Cafe Simcha …

Come Dance with us!


[Schedule History]

October 16, 2024

7:45-8:00 BeginnersBronwyn reviews building block steps of Israeli folk dancing including a dance that incorporates them. 
8:00-8:15 Warmup – Easy dances led by Bronwyn
8:15-8:30 Bronwyn teaches an the dance Avre Tu, by Roni Siman-Tov and sung by the Parvarim. 
8:30-9:00 Allen teaches two new slow new dances from Aaron’s September dance camp Nirkoda Bakerem. Shloshim Ushmonah (38) by Gadi Biton (circle)Tirkod Tirkod by Ilai Spiezak (couple)
9:00-11:30 Rob DJ’s the evening with your requests and a great selection of repertoire dances. 


October 9, 2024
7:45-8:00 Beginners – Bronwyn reviews building block 
steps of Israeli folk dancing including a dance that
incorporates them. 
8:00-8:15 Warmup – Easy dances led by Bronwyn
8:15-8:30 Bronwyn teaches an the dance Avre Tu
by Roni Siman-Tov and sung by the Parvarim. 
8:30-9:00 Allen teaches two new slow new dances from 
September dance camp Nirkoda Bakerem.
Shloshim Ushmonah by Gadi Biton (circle)
Tirkod Tirkod by Ilai Spiezak (couple)
9:00-11:30 Sarita DJ’s the evening with your requests and a
great selection of repertoire dance. 


October 2, 2024

Cafe Simcha is closed for Rosh Hashana.

Team Simcha wishes you the sweetest of years. It’s a joy dancing with you all.

Shana Tovah!

September 25, 2024

7:45-8p Allen King will review some building block steps of Israeli dancing. Please encourage your beginner friends to join us!

8-8:30p Allen leads easy-to-follow and fun repertoire dances. He will review Gvul Hayam Haacharona.

8:30p Allen teaches Jako, which he also taught last week, a new circle dance choreographed by Michael Barzilai.

8:45p Rob teaches Tislechi Li (same dance as taught last week) This is a new partner dance choreographed by Ilai Speziak

9:00p on Sarita DJs !!


September 18, 2024

7:45-8p Allen King will review some building block steps of Israeli dancing.
8-8:30p  Allen leads easy-to-follow and fun repertoire dances.  He will review Gvul Hayam Haacharona.
8:30p Allen teaches Jako, an energetic new circle dance choreographed by Michael Barzilai.
The video link below is from last weekend at camp Nirkoda Ba’Kerem, as taught by Yaron Carmel:
8:45p Rob teaches Tislechi Li, a new partner dance choreographed by Ilai Speziak
This video link also is from Nirkoda Ba’Kerem last weekend:
9:00p on Rob DJs.

September 11, 2024

Party Night with Allen King

8:00-Warmup with easier repertoire dances.
8:45Whenever– All request dancing

September 4, 2024

7:45-8p  Yardena will go over the basic steps of dancing.  this is a great time for new dancers or people that have not danced for a while to learn first steps and easier dances.

8-8:30p  Yardena continues with some easy-to-follow dances followed by a review of a dance from our repertoire, this time hora nirkoda by yoav ashriel.
8:30p  Judy will teach hashabbat sheli by rafi ziv. Glenn will teach yarayah, by gadi bitton.
9p  Glenn will DJ for us the rest of the night!  bring your requests!

August 28, 2024

7:45-8p  Yardena will go over the basic steps of dancing.  this is a great time for new dancers or people that have not danced for a while to learn first steps and easier dances.

8-8:30p  Yardena continues with some easy-to-follow dances followed by a review of a dance from our repertoire, be’pundak katan by avi peretz.
8:30p   Judy will teach hashabbat sheli by rafi ziv.
Then Glenn will teach yarayah, by gadi bitton.
9:00p -11:30  Rob will DJ for us the rest of the night!

August 21, 2024

Tonight is a Party Night.

7:45 – 8:00p    Yardena starts the night by teaching basic steps and dances based on those steps.
8:00 – 8:45p     Yardena leads your favorites and easy-to-follow dances.
8:45 – 11:30p   Sarita be the DJ for the rest of the night. Don’t forget your requests.

August 7, 2024

7:45-8p  Allen starts us off.  Please encourage new dancers to come early to learn some basic steps and an easy dance!

8-8:30p  Allen continues the fun with some easy-to-follow dances and a review of the great dance, Bo’u Nashir LeEretz Yafa, by Chaim Shirion.
8:30p Bronwyn brings you two wonderful dances — one we’ve never learned and the other we forgot.  
First up, she’ll teach the circle dance Im Tavoi Elai, performed by the amazing Idan Reichel group.  Gorgeous music and great choreography to match by Gadi Biton.
Then we’ll learn a super fun couple dance that’s a favorite of several of your team leaders – Od Tzo’horaim, by Dudu Barzilay.
9p  Sarita DJ’s the night!  Lots of circles and couples, plus an all-couple set from 11-11:30p

July 31, 2024

7:45-8p Bronwyn will review some building block steps of Israeli dancing and teach an easy dance based on those steps. Please encourage your beginner friends to join us!

8-8:30p Bronwyn leads easy-to-follow and fun repertoire dances. She’ll review Jerusalema, the line dance taught by Loui a few weeks ago. Since it’s a short dance to teach, we’ll have extra time for dancing repertoire dances.

8:30p Rob will teach Achot Ktana, a fairly recent (2023) circle dance
choreographed by Effi Kashari, which he also taught last week.
8:45p Rob will teach Cholot Midbar, a classic (1989) partner dance
choreographed by Israel Shiker.

After that (at around 9:00) Glenn will be the DJ for the rest of the evening!

July 24, 2024

7:45 -8:00  Bronwyn will start us off teaching basic dance steps and a beginners dance followed by easy-to-follow dances and also a review of the circle
dance Na’ale Na’ale at around 8:15 (link below to that dance)
8:30 – 9:00 Rob will teach Achot Ktana, a fairly recent (2023) circle dance
choreographed by Effi Kashari.
Here is a link to a video of Achot Ktana as demonstrated earlier this year by Yaron Carmel:
Then Rob will teach Cholot Midbar, a classic (1989) partner dance
choreographed by Israel Shiker.  The link below is fromRokdim
 — the video shows teaching first, and the dance is shown starting at time=2:35
9:00 – 11:30  Sarita will be the DJ for the rest of the evening!

July 17, 2024

We are having a Party. No teaching, just dancing with snacks on the table.

7:45                    Allen teaches beginning steps and an easy dance that includes them.
8:00-8:45               A program of fun and easy Israeli folk dances to start off the     evening led by Allen.
8:45-11:00      Bring your requests for a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Rob!
1100:11:45      Closing Couple set.

July 3 & 10, 2024

  • Yardena will lead easy-to-follow warm-ups, including one dance for teaching.
  • Aaron will teach Chataneinu, a fun circle dance that Yaron Malihi taught at Eclipse.
  • Then, Aaron will teach Yaron Ben Simhon’s Ha’or She’be’einayich, which is a real earworm!
  • After teaching, Aaron will DJ the night away!

June 26, 2024

7:45-8:00p – Bronwyn teaches basic Israeli dance steps and a dance that uses them.
8:00-8:30p – Bronwyn leads with easy-to-follow dances and reviews Shai, a beautiful dance created in 1997 by Tuvia Tishler sung by the wonderful group Parvarim that sings many of the dances we do.
8:30p – Sarita brings the classic and very emotional circle dance Lo Teanatzchu Oti, a popular 1984 Israeli Hebrew song written by the extraordinary Naomi Shemer and sung by Yehoran Gaon. The choreography was created in 1996 by Avi Peretz.
Yehoram Gaon has recently worked with the choirs of the IDF on a special remake of the song. We will also dance to the new version of that song tomorrow.
After that, Sarita teaches the new, cool dance Pitom Hakol Nosea by Tamir Shalev, sung by Idan Haviv.
9:00 – Rob DJs the night.

Jun 19, 2024

7:45-8:00p – Bronwyn teaches basic Israeli dance steps and a dance that uses them.
8:00-8:30p – Bronwyn leads with easy-to-follow dances and reviews Shai, a beautiful dance created in 1997 by Tuvia Tishler sung by the wonderful group Parvarim that sings many of the dances we do.
8:30pSarita is bringing the classic and very emotional circle dance Lo Teanatzchu Oti, a popular 1984 Israeli Hebrew song written by the extraordinary Naomi Shemer and sung by Yehoran Gaon. The choreography was created in 1996 by Avi Peretz.
Yehoram Gaon has recently worked with the choirs of the IDF on a special remake of the song. We will also dance to the new version of that song tomorrow.
After that, Sarita teaches the new, cool dance Pitom Hakol Nosea by Tamir Shalev, sung by Idan Haviv.

9:00 – 11:30 – Glenn DJs the rest of the night.

June 12, 2024

Party Night.

7:45-8p  Beginners — We’ll learn some steps used in Israeli dancing and then Bronwyn teaches a dance based on that step.  The only teaching of the night.
8-8:45p  Bronwyn leads easy-to-follow, fun, lively dances — and some sweet, soulful ones, too
8:45p  Sarita DJ’s all your requests.
Treats on the table.  Bring a treat and take a dollar off admission.

June 5, 2024
Loui is back this week with great teachings and a fun playlist for a whole non-stop dancing night. It’s going to be great! Check it out.
7:45-8:00p – Basic skills for beginners and anyone else who wants to improve them. Easy dances.
8:00-8:30p – Easy-to-follow dances and teaching the very moving Eretz Nehederet from 1996 choreographed by Avner Naim. Ilanit sings this beautiful song written by Baruch Friedland, an acclaimed multi-talented Israeli lyricist and composer. A classic.
8:30p – Loui brings two new dances. The sweet circle dance Shamayim, by Shlomo Maman. Harel Moyal is the singer with lyrics by Yigal Bashan. Right after, she teaches the couples Lema At Mechakah, a fun dance by Yarom Ben Simchon. The singer is Eliad Nahum.
After the teaching, Loui DJs the night. Don’t forget to bring your requests.

May 29, 2024

Loui is back this week and next.  Here’s the schedule of what she’ll be doing —
7:45-8p  For beginners — Basic skills & an easy dance using those skills.
8-9:00p  Easy-to-follow dances and a teach of a dance on the easier side.
Loui will teach the beautiful circle, Eretz Nehederet, followed by two new dances: Circle Shamayim and Couple Dance Le’Ma At Mechakah.
9p  Loui DJ’s the night.

May 22, 2024

7:45p – Allen teaches basic steps.
8p –  Allen continues to lead fun beginner dances and then reviews part two of Al Ahava (2023), a slow circle dance with Rafi’s classic style and quirks. It has a haunting melody composed and performed by Mark Eliyahu.
8:30p – Davida will teach the beautiful Tirkod Kmo Halev Shelcha (2023), a circle dance by Yoram Malihi that Aaron recently taught in the South Bay.
And then the fun and very recent partner dance, Shir Echad Laderech (2024) by Dudu Barzilay.
9p – Rob DJs, so bring him your favorites! 

May 15, 2024

Yes, we are dancing tonight! We will have regular teaching, but also let’s come together in appreciation for Yom Ha’atzma’ut. Bring your warm hearted selves, your dancing shoes, and snacks to share if you like. Feel free to wear blue and white.
7:45p – Allen will teach basic steps and the dance, Hora Or.
8p –  Allen continues to lead fun beginner dances and then teaches Debka Shachar.

8:30p – Davida will teach the beautiful Tirkod Kmo Halev Shelcha (2023), a circle dance by Yoram Malihi that Aaron recently taught in South Bay.
And then the fun and very recent partner dance, Shir Echad Laderech (2024) by Dudu Barzilay. 

9p Glenn – DJs, so bring him your favorites! 

May 8, 2024

This week, Yardena will teach Hamangina Hayeshana for beginners, while Glenn and Judy Shalev will review Tutim and Ma’agal Ha’chayim, respectively. 
Aaron will DJ the evening, so make sure to bring your requests!

Masks are now optional.

May 1, 2024

7:45-8p Yardena will review skills for the beginners and newcomers, and teach Yedid Nefesh.  At 8p she’ll teach another dance, TBA.  Note that teaching right at 8p is a little different than what we’ve been doing.  She’s trying an experiment of teaching first at 8p, and then dancing easy-to-follow dances after the teaching until 8:30p.  Feel free to share your thoughts on this experiment in person or by direct email to one of the team members.
8:30p We’re delighted to welcome back Glenn & Judy, who will each be teaching a circle dance this week. 
Glenn will be teaching a fun older dance … Tutim (“Strawberries”) by Ayal Ozri.  The music is by Ethnix.
Then Judy will be teaching Maagal HaChayim (“The Circle of Life”) by Yaron Malichi.  This was taught at the dance camp Hora Eclipse 2/Kochavim earlier this month.  You might recognize some folks in the video.  The music is by Amir Dadon.
Then Glenn DJ’s the night!

Masks are now optional.

April 24, 2024

It’s party time!

Let’s take a week’s break from learning dances and party it up.

7:45-8:45p: Yardena starts off the night, first with skills/dances for beginners/newcomers at 7:45p, and then at 8p with a totally fun selection of easy-to-follow dances.

8:45p on: Bronwyn DJs as we dance LOTS! of circles and couples, including all the great dances we’ve learned recently, with leaders in the center to help out. Lia will be back to help Bronwyn lead the fun partner dance we learned the last two weeks, Ma At Omeret.

Masks are now optional.

April 17, 2024

7:45p Allen takes the reins for the beginners group.  He’ll review basic building block steps and teach a dance.  Newcomers & beginners — please consider coming at 7:45p for this great way to build your repertoire of dance steps.
8-8:30p, Allen King will review the classic dance, Shir HaShirim, by Shlomo Bachar.
8:30p, Bronwyn is looking forward to teaching a few new dances to you. 
We’re going to learn a very new circle dance that is almost a Bay premiere***!  The dance is called Lifnei Ha’Zricha.  The music is very beautiful and very popular in Israel, and is used in videos that welcome soldiers home.  It’s a pretty easy dance, many of the beginners could follow, too.  It’s by a woman choreographer, Idit Shemesh, and it’s nice to support a woman choreographer, too.
The couples dance will be an intermediate-advanced level dance, and so much fun.  It’s already very popular in the South Bay. It’s called Ma At Omeret and is by Michael Barzilai.  We’ll try to pair beginner dancers with more experienced dancers for the teach, and I’ll try to teach it in a way that’s beginner friendly.
Then we dance your favorites, with Sarita spinning the mp3’s!

Masks are now optional.

April 10, 2024

7:45p Allen takes the reins for the beginners group.  He’ll review basic building block steps and teach a dance.  Newcomers & beginners — please consider coming at 7:45p for this great way to build your repertoire of dance steps.
8-8:30p, Allen leads easy-to-follow dances, and then reviews the new dance Am Yisrael Chai, by Dudu Barzilai, taught to us by Aaron a few weeks ago.
8:30p, Bronwyn is looking forward to teaching a few new dances to you. 
We’re going to learn a very new circle dance that is almost a Bay premiere***!  The dance is called Lifnei Ha’Zricha.  The music is very beautiful and very popular in Israel, and is used in videos that welcome soldiers home.  It’s a pretty easy dance, many of the beginners could follow, too.  It’s by a woman choreographer, Idit Shemesh, and it’s nice to support a woman choreographer, too.
The couples dance will be an intermediate-advanced level dance, and so much fun.  It’s already very popular in the South Bay. It’s called Ma At Omeret and is by Michael Barzilai.  We’ll try to pair beginner dancers with more experienced dancers for the teach, and I’ll try to teach it in a way that’s beginner friendly.
Then we dance your favorites, with Sarita spinning the mp3’s!

Masks are now optional.

April 3, 2024

7:45-8p  FOR BEGINNERS!!!  Please come and bring any friends new to dancing who want to learn Israeli dance. Yardena will be leading the Beginners-Basic Steps session.  We’ll learn some basic building block steps and then learn Ma Navu
8-8:15pm Easy-to-follow dances to warm you up for the evening. 
8:15-8:30.  Yardena will teach Shalnaa dance by Shmulik Gov-Ari. 
8:30-9p   Allen teaches a beautiful circle dance and revives a couple dance that we learned two years ago.
Al Ahava, 2023, circle dance by Rafi Ziv. It is a haunting melody composed and performed by Mark Eliyahu. It is a slow dance with Rafi’s classic style and quirks. 
Ein Meushar Mimeni, 2022, a fun dance by Iiai Spiezak. The singer is Eliad Nachum.
9p’ish onwards:  We dance!  Bronwyn will be the DJ.  Easier dances until the first couple set at 9:30, where we will dance the couple dance taught earlier in the evening.  We’ll have an extended couple set from 11-11:30p.
NOTE:  Some of our dancers are sensitive to scents and perfumes. Please help us make Cafe Simcha a scent-free environment. Don’t wear any perfumes or use scented personal products before coming to dance. 

Masks are now optional.

March 27, 2024

7:45-8p  FOR BEGINNERS!!!  Please come or tell a friend who might be interested to dance. Yardena will be leading the Beginners-Basic Steps session.  We’ll learn some basic building block steps and then learn a dance that uses them … Erez Eretz steps. 
8-8:15pm Easy-to-follow dances to warm you up for the evening. 
8:15-8:30.  Yardena will teach Shalna by Shmulik Gov Ari from 2023.
8:30-9p   Allen teaches a beautiful circle dance and revives a couple dance that we learned two years ago.
Al Ahava, 2023, circle dance by Rafi Ziv. It is a haunting melody composed and performed by Mark Eliyahu. It is a slow dance with Rafi’s classic style and quirks. 
Ein Meushar Mimeni, 2022, a fun dance by Iiai Spiezak. The singer is Eliad Nachum.
9p’ish onwards:  We dance!  Sarita will be the DJ.  Easier dances until the first couple set at 9:30, where we will dance the couple dance taught earlier in the evening.  We’ll have an extended couple set from 11-11:30p.

Masks are now optional.

March 20, 2024
Join us for a Purim Celebration Party!!
Come in costume and feel free to bring cookies, snacks, fruits, or anything you like.
7:45 Basic dancing steps and skills with Allen.
8:00 Allen DJs and brings easy-to-follow and classics.
8:45 Bronwyn takes over with a diverse and fun playlist, mixing old and new dances.

Masks are now optional.

March 13, 2024

7:45-8:00  Bronwyn teaches beginner skills and an easy dance.   

8-8:30  Bronwyn leads easy-to-follow dances and brings a one-time teach of the fun and lively circle Hora by Shlomo Maman. 

8:30-9:00  Sarita teaches the same dances as last week:

Ulai Hayom, 2021, circle dance by Tamir Shalev. Sang by Moshe Peretz, a very emotional and optimistic song that matches perfectly with Tamir’s sweet and beautiful choreography.
kol Hayom, 2022, a fun and energetic dance by two choreographers, Tamir Shalev and Mitch Ginsburgh. The singers are Harel Skaat and Ania Bukstei.
9:00-11:30  Sarita DJ’s all your favorites. Don’t forget to bring your requests!

Masks are now optional.

March 6, 2024

7:45 – 8:00  Bronwyn leads dances for beginners and new dancers.

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy to follow dances and teach Debka Shachar.

8:30 – 9:00  Sarita teaches Ulai Hayom and Kol Hayom.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn DJ’s the evening.

Masks are now optional.

February 21 & 28, 2024

7:45 – 8:00  Allen leads dances for beginners and new dancers.

8:00 – 9:00  Aaron will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Aaron DJ’s the evening.

Masks are now optional.

February 14, 2024

Valentine’s Day Party Night!

We have an evening with a special playlist full of dances about love. Come in red, purple, pink, white… and let’s open our hearts for a lovely dancing night.

7:45 – 8:00  Allen Leads beginner’s skills.

8:00 – 8:45  Allen leads easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30  Sarita DJ’s for the rest of the night.

Masks are now optional.

January 31 & February 7, 2024

Loui is back!

7:45p Loui is a master beginner teacher — please come at 7:45p to learn basic skills and steps.  Maybe even a super easy dance that uses those steps, if time permits.
8-8:30p Dance easy-to-follow dances with Loui.  Then she reviews the fun circle by Viktor Gabai — Banu Le’Ha’ir et Ha’ir
8:30pm  Loui teaches a new, fun circle dance by Shmulik Gov-Ari– Shalna
Then she teaches an intermediate-advanced fun couple dance by Avi Levi — At
9pm  We start out the first circle set with a few easy dances and then play circle dances learned recently, before the first partner set.  
Then lots of circle dancing, and five couple sets over the evening, including a half-hour set at the end.
Masks are now optional.

January 24, 2024

7:45-8pm  Allen will lead Israeli Folk Dance Basics, tailored towards building skills for beginners and new dancers.
8:00-8:30p  Allen will lead warmup with easy dances and review of Israel Hayafa, a dance from our repertoire.
8:30-8:45  Judy Shalev will reteach Basof Ze Ba, a circle dance by Elad Shtamer, 2023.
8:45-9:00  Allen will reteach Betoch Nyar Iton, a circle dance by Michael Barzilai, 2022.
9:00-11:30  Glenn DJs the evening. Bring your requests!
Masks are now optional.

January 17, 2024
7:45-8pm Allen will lead Israeli Folk Dance Basics, tailored towards building skills for beginners and new dancers.
8:00-8:30p  Allen will lead warmup with easy dances and review of Israel Hayafa, a dance from our repertoire.
8:30-8:45  Judy Shalev will teach Basof Ze Ba, a circle dance by Elad Shtamer, 2023.
8:45-9:00  Allen will teach Betoch Nyar Iton, a circle dance by Michael Barzilai, 2022.
9:00-11:30  Bronwyn DJs the evening. Bring her your requests!

Masks are now optional.

January 10, 2024

Note the earlier start time.

7:45 – 8:00  Yardena leads dances for beginners and new dancers.

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy dances and review a dance from the repertoire.

8:30 – 9:00  Davida will teach two circle dances.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob DJ’s the evening.

Masks are now optional.

January 3, 2024

Note the earlier start time.

7:45 – 8:00  Yardena leads dances for beginners and new dancers.

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy dances and review a dance from the repertoire.

8:30 – 9:00  Davida will teach two circle dances.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn DJ’s the evening.

Masks are now optional.

December 20 & 27, 2023

We will be dancing these two weeks, we will not be taking our traditional end of December break.

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will be leading warmup dances.

8:30 – 8:45  Allen will be reviewing a dance from the past year.

8:45 – 11:30  All request program as usual.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 each.

December 13, 2023

Chanukah Night with Latkes and Soufganiyot.

8:00 – 8-45   Allen will lead easy to follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30   Aaron will DJ.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

Loui is back for two weeks!

November 29 & December 6, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Loui will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Loui will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Loui will DJ all request dancing.

And save the date, we’ll have our Chanukah evening on December 13th with fresh Latkes baked on site by Anna.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

November 22, 2023

Cafe Simcha is closed for pre-Thansgiving.

November 15, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Allen and Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

November 8, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Allen and Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

November 1, 2023

We will take a break from teaching.
We know it’s been a very difficult time and we understand some people are not much into dancing. But we want you to know that our doors are open for you to come, even if just for getting together, chatting, hugging, or listening to music. So, we look forward to seeing you all.

8:00 – 8:45  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30  Sarita will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

October 25, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Bronwyn and Davida will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Sarita will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

October 18, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Bronwyn and Davida will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

October 11, 2023


All proceeds tonight will be donated to the non-profit, United Hatzlacha of Israel, which is a free, volunteer-based Emergency Medical Services organization.
Tonight’s selection of dances will be specially chosen to reflect our sorrow and grief, but also our unity and spirit.

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

October 4, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Sarita will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

September 20, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Aaron will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Aaron will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

September 13, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Aaron will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Aaron will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

September 6, 2023

Review Night

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

August 30, 2023

Party Night!

8:00 – 8:45  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

August 23, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Glenn and Davida will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Sarita will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

August 16, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Glenn and Davida will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

August 2, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Judy Shalev and Allen will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Sarita will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

July 26, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Judy Shalev and Allen will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

July 19, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

July 12, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Sarita will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 a piece.

July 5, 2023

Cafe Simcha will be CLOSED.

Partly due to how close it is to the holiday, meaning a lot of people are away. And partly due to the number of us who are going to Aaron’s camp.

June 28, 2023

Party Night

8:00 – 8:45  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all your requests.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 apiece.

June 21, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 apiece.

June 14, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Sarita will DJ all request dancing.

Masks are now optional, you no longer have to wear an N95, KN95, or KF94.  If you wish, you can wear a cloth mask (We can recommend colorful ones with several layers and a filter made by Vida if you’re interested) or a surgical mask

The committee also decided on two additional things:
1.  If you have any symptoms at all, even just a cold, the committee requests that you not come dancing that night.  It will help keep us all as healthy as possible.
2.  We continue to require that you be vaccinated with at least one booster.
If you wish to wear a mask, we still strongly recommend a top quality N95, KN95, or KF94 mask.  These masks filter out as much as 95% of particles.  We sell great KF94 adjustable masks at the door for $1 apiece.

June 7, 2023

(Loui is under the weather so the schedule has changed.)

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 8:45  Davida will teach.

8:45 to 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

May 31 , 2023

LOUI returns to teach and DJ !!!

8:00 – 8:30  Loui will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Loui will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Loui will DJ all request dancing.


May 24, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Aaron and Sarita will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Aaron will DJ all request dancing.


May 17, 2023

Party Night

8:00 – 8:45  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


May 10, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Rob will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.


May 3, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Rob will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


April 26, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Allen will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.


April 19, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Allen will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.


April 12, 2023

Party Night

It is still Passover, so if you bring something, make sure that is has no Passover unfriendly ingredients.

8:00 – 8:45  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


April 4, 2023

Cafe is Closed for Passover.

March 29, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Judy and Davida will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


March 22, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Judy and Davida will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.


March 15, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Aaron will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Aaron will DJ all request dancing.


March 8, 2023

PURIM Celebration

Wear a costume and bring food to share, if you wish.

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Aaron will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Aaron will DJ all request dancing.


March 1, 2023

All Dancing, no teaching tonight.

8:00 – 8:45  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


February 22, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 8:45  Davida will teach.

8:45 to 9:00  Glenn will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.


February 15, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 8:45  Davida will teach.

8:45 to 9:00  Glenn will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


February 8, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Aaron will DJ all request dancing.


February 1, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Bronwyn will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Aaron will DJ all request dancing.


January 25, 2023

It’s a party night!

8:00 – 8:45  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


January 17, 2023

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 to 9:00  Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

January 11, 2023

8:00 – 8:45  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


January 4, 2023




8:00 – 8:45  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


December 21 and 28, 2022
Cafe Simcha is closed for the holidays.  See you again on Jan 3rd!!

December 14, 2022

Cafe Simcha pre-Chanukah Party.

8:00 – 8:45   Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

Please bring party or Chanukah-themed food if you can, and join us for the fun.


December 7, 2022

Loui is back!

8:00 – 8:30   Loui will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Loui will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Loui will DJ all request dancing.


November 30, 2022

Loui is back!

8:00 – 8:30   Loui will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Loui will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Loui will DJ all request dancing.


November 23, 2022

We’re CLOSED to give you a chance to prepare for Thanksgiving.

We’ll be back next week.


November 16, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Claire will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Sarita will DJ all request dancing.

November 9, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Claire will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.


November 2, 2022

A Party night

Loui has a cold and can’t come, but we we’re still having a mask optional evening. Thank you Allen and Aaron for filling in at the last minute.

8:00 – 8:45  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 to 11:30  Aaron will DJ all request dancing.

October 26, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Allen will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

October 19, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Allen will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

October 12, 2022

Tonight is a Party night … with celebrations of October birthdays.

8:00 – 8:45  Claire leads us in lively easy-to-follow and classic dances.

8:45 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

October 5, 2022

No Dancing this week due to Yom Kippur.

L’ Shana Tova!

September 28, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Rob will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

September 21, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Rob will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

September 14, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Judy and Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.


September 7, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Judy and Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.


Tonight is a Party night

August 31, 2022

8:00 – 8:45  Allen leads us in lively easy-to-follow and classic dances.

8:45 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

August 24, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Claire will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Davida and Glenn will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

August 17, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Claire will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Davida and Glenn will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

August 10, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Allen and Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

August 3, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Allen and Bronwyn will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

July 27, 2022

Party Night

8:00 – 8:45  Claire will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 – 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

July 20, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

July 13, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Sarita will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

July 6, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Claire will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Davida and Glenn will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

June 29, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Claire will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Davida and Glenn will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

June 15 , 2022

Party Night

8:00 – 8:45  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

Please note that on June 22, 2022

Cafe Simcha will be CLOSED!

June 1 & June 8, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Yardena will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Bronwyn and Rob will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

May 18 & May 25, 2022

8:00 – 8:30  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:30 – 9:00  Bronwyn and Judy Shalev will teach.

9:00 to 11:30  Bronwyn will DJ all request dancing.

May 11 , 2022

Party night

8:00 – 8:45  Allen will lead easy-to-follow dances.

8:45 to 11:30  Rob will DJ all request dancing.

Cafe Simcha Timeline

13 Sep 1989   Albany Veterans Hall – First night of Cafe Simcha!

07 Jun 1995   El Cerrito Veterans Hall

10 Nov 2004   Arlington Community Church

18 Apr 2007   The Committee begins running Cafe

18 Sep 2019   30th Anniversary Celebration

Closed 11 Mar 2020 to 06 Oct 2021 due to COVID-19

Open 13 Oct 2021 to Dec 15, 2021

Closed Dec 22, 2021 to Mar 02, 2022 due to COVID-19

Cafe Reopens 09 Mar 2022

Contact Us At:

[email protected]

(510) 386-3155

[Email is the best way to contact us!]